I started thinking about how there is so much in this world that we do not see and we do not know, but that there is Someone who knows it all. So what if we had His eyes, His arms and His love for even just one day? Would we be a kinder and gentler people? How would we be changed? It makes you think, doesn't it.
Starting my new job, I have made many new friends and I am so thankful for that. So after hearing this song it made me wonder if I had the Lord's eyes for a day, what would I see? What are in the hearts of the people that I work with? What is going on in their lives that they hide? So today, I am asking the Father, "What is my purpose here?" I believe that I am at B&B for a very specific reason, and not just to have a job. So today I pray that the Lord uses me however He sees fit, and that I might have His eyes for a time to see the hearts of these people...to know them and love them.