Friday, October 30, 2009

MIA in San Diego!

Hello dear friend! Yes, I'm still alive!!!!! But I have been incredibly busy lately.

Here's what has been going on. If any of you read Sister's blog, then you might know that my grandfather, Poppy, passed away on the 15th. To my sister and I, it was a bit unexpected, but he had battled Alzheimer's disease for 14 years. About 4 years go, our family struggled with the decision top put him in a nursing home, but we knew that Meme could no longer care for Poppy all by herself. It was at that time that he began to forget names, and faces. But through it all, Poppy knew Meme. Even on the day he died, he knew my Meme.

I would be lying to you if I told you that it wasn't difficult to say "goodbye" to him, because it was heart-wrenching, but I knew that he was dancing with his Maker. On the day I wept for my Poppy, he not only knew my Meme, but he knew every single one of us! And that, made me joyful!

That Saturday of his funeral, the 17th, my boss called and asked if I would be interested in coming out to California for some business. After talking it over with Brant, I told him I was on my way. So we drove home Sunday morning from Shreveport, and I hoped on a plane to San Diego. We were staying at the Four Seasons Aviara resort and it was absolutely beautiful. I was there for 10 days, and flew home this past Wednesday. Boy, am I glad to be home, but work is crazy!

Well, I hope to post some more pictures later, but for now, I leave you with this...the view from the back porch of the Four Seasons Aviara, with the beautiful blue ocean in the distance.

Monday, October 5, 2009

What a Weekend

Well, maybe I should say, "What a past 5 days!"

Well Wednesday, Brant came down with the Swine Flu - not fun! So he was out for the rest of the week. But on Thursday, I worked from home because I was going to take him to the dr. But, the dr's office was out of flu tests and won't prescribe you Tamiflu unless you have an underlying medical condition or are under the age of 2 - Brant is neither!
So this weekend, was spent

1) taking care of a sick hubs
2) trying to entertain a sick hubs who has been in the house for over 3 days straight, and who has crazy cabin fever... which includes:
3) going to Canton on Sunday with the pouring down rain
4) convincing the hubs to go to the dr today becasue he is still very sick!

But I have to say that the highlight of the weekend was playing this:

while watching a late-night showing of this:

Now, that is what I call quality time!