I found
this article today about how to save money in grocery shopping. Now I am a coupon cutter- and proud of it, but I still know that there is probably a lot of saving I could still do. One of my favorite things to do is buy in bulk, but I've been searching other ways to save lately, and I thought this article was useful. I mean let's face it...the more saving I do in grocery shopping, the more money I have to spend on the "fun stuff"!!!
Check out some of my links for other money-saving tips!
i love all your links! this is the one thing i am concerned about when C and I get married. Right now we spend A LOT of money eating out...because neither of us has our OWN kitchen. I'm hoping that we will save money by doing the grocery/cook at home bit. I do know I will be a coupon clipping girl though!
I am going to check out your links right now!
I went to the grocery store today, and about died. WHEW! Stuff is getting expensive.
Thanks for helping us all out! :)
Ashley, thanks for visiting my blog! Don't you just love crockpot365! She has certainly expanded my use of my crockpot (which I love almost as much as she does)
I am looking forward to checking out some of your links!!
First, I will be going back to your other blog.....I LOVE all your designs!!!
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