Tuesday, August 10, 2010

30 Day Blog - Favorite Movie

Well I promise to post pictures from our Beaver's Bend trip as soon as I have them uploaded. First of all, we had a blast, and yes, we thumped our canoe during the rapids!

But, Tricia is having a 30 Day Blog Journal, so I decided to join in the fun! Today (which is technically day 2 - I posted day 1 just a few moments ago) is your favorite movie. I have SEVERAL favorites, so here are just a few of them:

What Happens In Vegas

No matter how many times I see this movie, I laugh the ENTIRE time!

The Twilight Saga
Yes, I'm that girl. I LOVE the books, so how could I not love the movies. I agree that the acting is not stellar, but the love story tugs at my heart every time.

Steel Magnolias
"Just take a whack at Weezer"
(by the way, I can quote almost every line of this moive)


Gone With the Wind
This is definitely my most favorite classic movie of all time!!!


Here's the 30 Day Schedule:
Day 1: favorite song
Day 2: favorite movie
Day 3: favorite television program
Day 4: favorite book
Day 5: favorite quote
Day 6: 20 of my favorite things
Day 7: photo that makes me happy
Day 8: photo that makes me sad/angry
Day 9: photo i took
Day 10: photo of me from at least 10 years ago
Day 11: recent photo of me
Day 12: something i am ocd about
Day 13: a fictional book
Day 14: a non-fictional book
Day 15: my dream house
Day 16: song that makes me cry
Day 17: an art piece (drawing, painting, sculpture, etc)
Day 18: my wedding
Day 19: a talent of mine
Day 20: a hobby of mine
Day 21: a recipe
Day 22: a website
Day 23: a youtube video
Day 24: my town
Day 25: my day, in great detail
Day 26: my week, in great detail
Day 27: my worst habit
Day 28: what's in my bag/purse?
Day 29: hopes, plans, and dreams for the next 365 days
Day 30: a dream for the future

1 comment:

Tricia Nae said...

so glad your doing this too! i love what happens in vegas!! we just watched it the other day (again). can't wait to see those BB pics! was it super hot there? i don't even like to go outside these days. i'm such a girl. ha.

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