This past weekend we went to Texarkana (the AR side) to visit Nana and GrandBob! Friday morning I asked Emmalee if she was ready to go and she squealed with delight - I think she knew that she was about to be spoiled ALL weekend long!
Saturday we all slept late and pretty much just had a fun, lazy day. I still can't believe that Emmalee was 6 months old on Saturday - where has the time gone? Saturday afternoon GrandBob took Emmalee on a little nature walk in the backyard.
Everytime Nana would hold Em, she kept bending her knees and trying to bounce - I'm not quite sure why she thought Nana was her excersaucer, but she did. So, we ran to Target and found a Johnny Jump Up. We thought we'd see how Em liked it. It took her a few minutes to get the hang of it, but she seemed to enjoy herself.
While Emmalee played, my sweet MIL gave me a few sewing lessons. I remembered some of the basics from Home Economics (8th grade), but I definitely needed a refresher course! So we started with something quite simple - a pillowcase dress. It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be! Here is my finished product!
Y'all, my MIL is so sweet that she gave me her sewing machine to bring home - the machine, the table, and extra supplies! I am so excited!!! I cannot wait to make some more dresses for Em!
Saturday night we took a walk - before the Rangers game, of course! Had some delicious spaghetti, then watched the Rangers kick some Detroit Tail! Our Texas Rangers are, once again, World Series Bound!!!!
On our way to church on Sunday, we found a little garden center that had all sorts of great fall decorations and pumpkin arrangements outside. So as soon as church was over, we headed over to get some pumpkin pictures. I really wanted to get some 6 month pics of Em in her Halloween dress!
Em was quite impressed with the pumpkins - so impressed she thought would be a nice treat to eat!
Crazy girl!
Since we wouldn't let her eat the pumpkins, she thought she'd try the hay!
My little angel!
Emmalee and Nana |
Sweet Lil' Grin!
This little girl loves her daddy!
Our Pumpkin Princess!