Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thankful Thursday

I guess I've started a new weekly tradition of Thankful Thursday.  Of course anyone is welcome to join in and link back if you want to.

I won't lie that it was hard to write today's post when so many others are wrenched in heartache and left with total devastation from tornadoes and severe weather.  My heart is grieving for those that lost homes, treasures possession, and loved ones.  I've had such a heavy heart the past few days reading story after story about death, devastation and destruction; yet it is because of seeing all of that devastation that I am thankful for the Body of Christ.

Its the Body of Christ that stretches out their arms to embrace us in times of trouble; its the Body of Christ that comes to aide those in need; its the Body of Christ that feed the hungry when the storms have blown away all we've ever known.  The Body of Christ are the faithful ones who bow on bended knee covering the rest of the body in prayer.  They see you through the good times and the bad, and lend a helping hand whenever they see the need.  Its the Body of Christ that comes together giving time and money and hugs of hope after the storms of life pass through.

In almost every story I've read in the past few days, the Body of Christ has poured out love on strangers and prayed words of hope over fellow believers and non-believers alike.  They have laid hands on the wounded, and sat in hospital rooms with families.

Today I am thankful that each part of the Body has a purpose, and when one party of the body suffers the rest of the body suffers; and when one part rejoices, we all rejoice (1 Cor 12:26).  Today we are all suffering with those who lost and are devastated, but I know that one day soon we will all rejoice in seeing God's hand at work.

What are you thankful for today?

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