Sunday, July 17, 2011

3 Months

Oh Sweet Love of Mine,
You are three months old and you have stolen my heart away. Don't get me wrong, you stole my heart the very day you were born, but these days have been so very special. You definitely know your momma and daddy and you love having us around. When strangers hold you, you look to make sure one of us is near. Sometimes, you get a little fussy and settle down as soon as your in my arms - its over joys my heart that you know your momma's touch.

Your sweet smile lights up any room and your "talking" is such sweet music. Your daddy and I can listen to you talk all day long, and still yearn to hear more. I still can't believe how lucky I am to be your momma.

You still go to bed around 9:00, but you sleep through the night now and wake up between 6 and 7. You eat about 4 ounces every 4 hours - usually 2 bottle during the day, but I feed you whenever I can. You have started going to Mrs. Regina's everyday while Momma and Daddy work. You love being around the other kids and Mrs. Regina loves holding and spoiling you. We are so lucky to have found someone so great to watch you during the day.

We have started letting you watch Baby Einstein videos and you love all the music and colors. You enjoy your tummy-time more and more each day and can prop yourself up on your forearms. You still love your swing and you like to be propped up so you can see everything going on around you. You still love your bath and any kind of water. We read books as often as we can and you love to read books at Mrs. Regina's house too.

My sweet little one, you continue to be the joy of our lives. It has only been 3 months since you came into this world, but I don't remember what life was like without you. This has been the best 3 months and I cannot wait to spend the next 3 month, 3 years, 3 decades with you. You delight my soul and fill our lives with gladness.

I love you my sweet angel,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is NO way she is already 3 months, omg!! So beautiful ash!! :)

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