Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday Madness

Oh my goodness, today has been busy already and I see no hope of slowing down until midnight! Today's to-do list is overflowing - here's a glimpse of what I am working on today:

1) Weekly Menu and Grovery Shopping list - Now I typically do all of my menu making and grocery shopping on Sunday, but yesterday was such a CRAZY day that I didn't have today, I need the weekly menu, plus I have to do the grocery list. And I can't just have any kind of menu...the meals have to be Weight Watchers appropriate...I'm a bridesmaid for a dear friend soon!!!

2) Finalize the plans with the Bennett's and the Lawrence's for this weekend's canoe trip to Beaver's Bend...figure out sleeping arrangements, departure time, meal responsibilities...and then add my meal responsibilities to the grocery list!

3) Try to finish this weeks Iron Scrapper Challenge over at Scrap Orchard. Here is a look at the page I did on my very first speed scrap Saturday morning.

4) Work on the social calendar! Yesterday, I became the social director for our Sunday School class. Sally has been the director this past year, but *Smiles* because Baby Girl Pinon will be making her debut soon, but *Tear* because that means the Pinon's move to the new class; but *Smiles* because I get to be the social director, but *Tear* because I have huge shoes to fill since Sally was awesome at this job! So anyways, today I hope to get a head start on the calendar so that everyone can get dates penciled in.

5) Figure out service projects for the social calendar.

6) Pray about leading a 9th grade girls Sunday School class. Our SS class is moving to a new hour, which allows us an extra hour on Sundays to serve within the church. well I LOVE the youth, so I have been emailing with the high school girls youth sponsor today and she needs 9th grade girl small group leaders.

7) Try to think of good blog posts! I have been such a slacker on posting lately, but mainly just because I have been out of town EVERY weekend in July except for this last weekend, but we were so busy that I didn't really feel like I was at home...then we will be out of town the next two weekends; home for one, then I'm going to North Carolina the last weekend of August! Seriously - my calendar hasn't been this packed since I was in college!!!

AND ON TOP OF ALL OF THIS...I am at work trying to get my actual job done!!! HAHAHA!!! I hope "life" slows down soon!


Tricia Nae said...

*Smile*Tear*....cracking me up...cute post!! 1. Love layout! 2. Yay for your "promotion". Have a great's good to see a post from you!

SallyPinon said...

Thanks for the shout out on the blog! You will do a great job with all the social stuff!

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